Malware-delivering cloud apps almost tripled in 2022

A skull symbol within computer code.

More than 400 distinct cloud applications delivered malware in 2022, nearly triple the amount seen in the prior year, according to research conducted by Netskope, a specialist in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).

The company's researchers also found that 30% of all cloud malware downloads in 2022 originated from Microsoft OneDrive.

Cloud apps are widely used by businesses, a fact not lost on attackers, which view these apps as an ideal home for hosting malware and...

Acxiom joins Salesforce AppExchange to transform personalised experiences

Customer intelligence company Acxiom has joined the Salesforce AppExchange Genie Collection, empowering brands to better understand their customers, drive personalisation at scale and unlock new opportunities that accelerate business growth.

Brands today are expected to know their customers, anticipate their needs, and engage in ways that are personalised, relevant, and contextual. A data-first approach is key to meeting these expectations, and Salesforce Customer Data Platform...

Next generation of phishing attacks uses unexpected delivery methods to steal data

A man fishing at a lake.

Netskope, a specialist in secure access service edge (SASE), has unveiled new research that shows how the prevalence of cloud applications is changing the way threat actors are using phishing attack delivery methods to steal data. 

The Netskope Cloud and Threat Report: Phishing details trends in phishing delivery methods such as fake login pages and fake third-party cloud applications designed to mimic legitimate apps, the targets of phishing attacks, where the fraudulent content...

Data sprawl creates risk as personal app use in business continues to rise

Someone using apps on a smartphone.

Cloud app use within organisations has continued to rise, already increasing 35% since the beginning of 2022, with an average company of 500-2,000 users uploading, creating, sharing or storing data in 138 different apps, and using an average of 1,558 distinct cloud apps each month.

This is according to Netskope, a specialist in Security Service Edge (SSE) and Zero Trust, which has released new research detailing the proliferation of cloud apps used within businesses...